How Can I Calculate Property Value on Rents?

How Can I Calculate Property Value on Rents?

Using rents to determine property value is a method employed when purchasing or purchasing income-producing property, such as duplexes, triplexes and other little, multifamily dwellings. Although it is not accurate, the Gross Rent Multiplier method (GRM) is the formula generally employed.

Gather information on recently sold income-producing possessions in the neighborhood of the subject property. You’ll have to be familiar with annual gross rental incomes and also the properties’ sales costs. These properties would be the comparables, or comps.

Ascertain each comp’s GRM by dividing the sales price by the annual gross rental income. For instance, if a property sold for $500,000 and also the annual rental income is $120,000, the GRM for this property is 4.17. Perform this calculation for each self.

Calculate the typical GRM by incorporating them and then dividing by the number of GRMs used. For instance, if you’re utilizing three comps, together with GRMs of 4.17, 3.92 and 4.20, the average are the sum of the three GRMs, or 12.29, divided by 3, or 4.09. This is your Gross Rent Multiplier that is brand new.

Multiply the new GRM, 4.09, times the subject land’s gross annual rental income. In the event the subject land’s income is $110,000, when that’s multiplied by 4.09, you locate an estimated market value of $449,900.

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