How to Germinate a Pink Banana Plant
Pink banana plants (Musa velutina) are striking landscape ornamentals that grow in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9b through 11. They create an edible, if seedy, self-peeling fruit. Often kept as houseplants for both- to 3-foot long foliage and diminutive height, these 3- to 6-foot-tall antioxidant plants lend a tropical look to a brightly lit room. Although seeds are produced in abundance in fresh fruit, germinating them once they’ve been dried may be difficult and time-consuming.
Record 1 side of each seed which you intend to plant just until you can see the white inside. Fill a clean cup with warm water and then dump the filed seeds in it. Allow the seeds to soak in water for approximately 24 hours prior to planting.
Fill individual plastic pots with a soilless seed-starting medium the night you file the pink banana seeds you are planting. Water the pots and enable them to drain a few times, until the medium can be uniformly dark in color and moist to the touch. Set the pots apart in a room that’s about 70 degrees Fahrenheit to enable the medium to come back to room temperature.
Place one banana seed into each grass, about 3/8 inch below the surface of the dirt. Cover the seed and then slip the peat pot into a plastic bag. Place the bagged pots at a bright room out of direct sunlight and away from drafts. Check the pots daily and add water when the medium starts to lighten color. Germination may take up to approximately six months.
Slowly expose your manicure seedling to decreased humidity by taking away the plastic bag for longer periods over the course of approximately two weeks. Place the young plant in an area with bright, indirect sunlight when the first true leaves have formed. Move the seedling into brighter illumination conditions gradually to prevent burning its leaves in case you intend to grow your pink bananas outside or in an area that gets a great deal of direct sunlight.