How to Lay a Residential Foundation

How to Lay a Residential Foundation

Every home needs a good foundation. There are many different ways to build a strong concrete Tucson. However, many homeowners these days are using concrete slab. It’s very easy to build a concrete slab foundation. This is a job that can be done using simple DIY steps.

In this article we are going to show you how to build the perfect foundation for your home.

What You’ll Need

Before going into the main steps it’s important to give you a list of important tools you will need for this project. First, you will need a compactor and a concrete mix. These are the main machines. Other tools include a trowel, wheelbarrow, shovel, level, and a bucket. As for the materials, you will need to get gravel or sand, a polythene barrier, 2×4 lumber, and of course water.

How to Lay the Foundation

Laying concrete pavers Tucson should be a simple and straightforward task. In case you want to do it on your own, below are four basic steps you should keep in mind:

Prepare the Ground

The first step is to get the ground ready for installation. Start by removing any large stones from the area and other disruptive large objects. Once the debris is removed it’s time to excavate. Normally, you should excavate a space measuring two times the depth of your final foundation. You can use a shovel if you have a small job but it will be quite tiring. For big commercial residential jobs, you’d be better off using rented digging equipment.

Build a Frame

The second step is to build the frame. You will have to use the 2×4 lumber to build a frame that encircles the excavated site. There are many techniques that can be used to set the frame. However, regardless of the approach you decide to take, the main goal is to ensure you end up with a strong and perfectly laid out frame to avoid any complications in the future.

Mix and Pour the Concrete

Once the frame is firmly in place, the remaining task is quite simple. First of all, you need to start mixing up the concrete. Make sure you get the mixture right. Use the wheelbarrow to move the concrete around the site while keeping an eye on its consistency. Pour concrete into the frame until it’s fully filled. Ensure that you are also leveling the surface while it’s still wet.

Finishing Up

There will be a few flaws in the smooth concrete texture once the job is done. These flaws must be removed. For small projects, you can use a simple trowel. However, for bigger residential concrete contractors Tucson AZ you might consider power tools. The finishing must be done while the concrete is still wet. Once the finishing is done, give the foundation some time to cure before moving on with the construction.

Setting up a high-quality foundation for any residential building is very important. A strong foundation guarantees a strong structure. The simple steps above should help you lay down any concrete foundation you want.