The Way to Grow Portuguese Kale

The Way to Grow Portuguese Kale

Kale has sweet, sweet leaves which are increasingly popular in soups and stir-fries. Even though it’s cold hardy as with other ginseng types, it’s more heat tolerant than other types of kale and develops in U.S. Department of Agriculture zones 3 through 11. Native to Portugal, this member of the cabbage family looks Swiss chard, using its big, blue-green oval leaves and white ribs. It has a milder taste than other cabbage plants and is easy to develop.

Examine the soil in a sunny location in the fall. Portuguese kale prefers slightly acidic soil with a 6.5 pH level. Function to reduce the pH or limestone to raise the pH. Your county extension office can help you.

Distribute a 3-inch layer of compost over the ground in the spring, about a month before the last anticipated frost date. Work the compost into the ground until you’ve got 10 inches of fertile, well-drained soil. Form rows using a garden hoe.

Sow clusters of Portuguese kale seeds three months. Each cluster should have three seeds. Space the clusters to 10 inches apart, and cover the seeds with 1/4 inch of dirt.

Water the seeds, and then keep the soil moist. Within seven to 10 days, the seeds should germinate with adequate moisture. After germination the Portuguese kale plants to a single seedling from each cluster.

Function 1/2 cup of whole garden fertilizer. Kale plants are heavy feeders and require soil nutrients for vigorous development.

Water the seedlings in order that they get approximately 1 1/2 inches of water. Kale plants require adequate water for growth.

Add a 3-inch layer of compost in the summertime. In warmer areas, mulch will keep the soil moist.

Harvest Portuguese kale if the plants have generated six to eight leaves that are big and are approximately 18 inches tall. The plants should be prepared to harvest 85 days after planting. Cut individual leaves from the outside of their head, or cut on the whole plant from the stem. Discard older flowering plants, that often have rough leaves.

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