What's the Thin Film Which Peels Off Romaine Lettuce Leaves?

What's the Thin Film Which Peels Off Romaine Lettuce Leaves?

The filmy skin has given rise to speculation that this coating is a kind of raw coating made of ingredients that are black. Lettuce growers point to a natural phenomenon that may occur on both the the organic and nonorganic…

How to Plant Liriope Emerald Goddess

How to Plant Liriope Emerald Goddess

A plant using the title”Emerald Goddess” has a lot to live up to, and also this patented variety of Liriope muscari will have the ability to remain green yearlong, at U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8b into 11,…

The Way to Grow Portuguese Kale

The Way to Grow Portuguese Kale

Kale has sweet, sweet leaves which are increasingly popular in soups and stir-fries. Even though it’s cold hardy as with other ginseng types, it’s more heat tolerant than other types of kale and develops in U.S. Department of Agriculture zones…

Meet a Houseplant Which Does Not Mind Neglect

Meet a Houseplant Which Does Not Mind Neglect

If you are like most active homeowners, you need your indoor plants to endure insufficient growing conditions and a few neglect and then. The umbrella plant, also called schefflera, delivers on this. I reside in a subtropical climate in which…

8 Plants Which Snobs Love to Hate -- and You'll like to Grow

8 Plants Which Snobs Love to Hate — and You'll like to Grow

A while ago a mother of the bride had been lamenting her bride-to-be daughter’s objections to lily of the Nile as a marriage blossom. “It is just a freeway blossom,” the girl said. She had been perfect. Lily of the…

Knowing the American Southwest's Three Main Climate Zones

Knowing the American Southwest's Three Main Climate Zones

The arid Southwest ranges across rocky valleys and up into adjacent foothill areas, below around a 6,000-foot altitude. Many places have a thin cover of desert lot grasses, including black grama or bush muhley, and scattered shrubs including creosote bush…

Great Design Plant: Persimmon

Great Design Plant: Persimmon

In late autumn or early winter a leafless persimmon tree, branches bending beneath the weight of dozens (hundreds?) Of glistening orange fruits, looks like something from an early Japanese brush painting. Ahead of the fruit display, or combined with it,…

Great Design Plant: Wildlife-Loving Dwarf Fothergilla Blazes in Fall

Great Design Plant: Wildlife-Loving Dwarf Fothergilla Blazes in Fall

My house is certified as a wildlife habitat by the National Wildlife Federation, and many of the plants in it draw beneficial pollinators and encourage insect larvae. One of the standouts is native fothergilla, a tree which isn’t widely used…

Fantastic Design Plant: California Poppy

Fantastic Design Plant: California Poppy

Even though California wildflowers are alarmingly threatened in their natural habitats, a number of them function beautifully — if quirkily — in house gardens. In fact, the wildflower that’s easiest to grow can also be the best understood and the…

Southeast Gardener's November Checklist

Southeast Gardener's November Checklist

Fall is an excellent time to be in the garden. Soon enough there will be a killing frost; after that happens, it is time to re examine your garden into bed for the winter. Our first frost date is inconsistent…