How to Seal a Stone Pond
Whether you are building a new pond or renovating an current pond, then sealing the stone and mortar to prevent leaks is necessary to the health of your plants, fish and garden. A leaky pond might be devastating to the surrounding landscaping by letting too much water to saturate the soil. A transparent epoxy sealant that’s nontoxic to fish permits you to retain the beauty of the natural stone when waterproofing the pond’s interior surfaces.
Put on sturdy shoes, long sleeves and pants, gloves and safety goggles before preparing or sealing the stone and mortar surface of the pond.
Examine the stone surface. If it’s tough, approximately the texture of 60-grit sandpaper, you can apply the sealant. If not, rough up the surface by using an electric drill with an abrasive disc, or sandblasting.
Scrub the stones and mortar using a scrub brush to remove any debris and dirt. If the stones are dirty, mix several drops of dish-washing liquid using warm water and scrub thoroughly. Scrub and siphon out all of the water. Utilize a wet-dry shop vacuum to remove any remaining water.
Seal any cracks in the mortar with cement or plastic fillers. The sealant covers hairline fractures, but bigger openings have to be filled in to prevent leaks. Allow all surfaces to dry completely before applying the sealant.
Mix the epoxy hardener and resin at a bucket. Use an electric drill with a mixing attachment to thoroughly mix the sandpaper.
Paint a 10 mils coating of sealant over the stones and mortar using a roller or brush. You may apply a second coat of sealant within 24 hours.
Wait 72 hours, until the epoxy is completely dry, before adding water to the pond.