Big Cherry Trees

Big Cherry Trees

Cherries are created on shrubs, small trees and large trees of the Prunus genus, which also contains plums, peaches, nectarines, apricots and almonds. The trees can be grown for lumber, fruit and ornamental purposes. Most cherry trees cannot tolerate exceptionally…

How to Cure Wilted Orange Plants

How to Cure Wilted Orange Plants

Orange plants (Citrus sinensis) may wilt from a lot of water, too little water or if they are contaminated by insects. The most frequent pest is citrus leafminer (Phyllocnistis citrella). Over-watering is most frequently found in orange crops grown in…

Azalea Bonsai Care Instructions

Azalea Bonsai Care Instructions

Azalea shrubs (Rhododendron spp.) Make versatile bonsai using their growth habit and bountiful blossoms. Azalea grown as bonsai take well to most styles of coaching, with broom style as the exclusion. The shrubs have deciduous or evergreen leaves, depending on…

When to utilize Lesco Lawn Food in the Spring

When to utilize Lesco Lawn Food in the Spring

Feeding your lawn provides essential nutrients to help your lawn grow full and thick. Good nutrition also keeps your lawn healthy and green. Lesco lawn food, also called Lesco fertilizer, is a granular fertilizer which contains such nourishment, and if…

How to Transplant a Burning Bush to Another Residence

How to Transplant a Burning Bush to Another Residence

Brilliant red fall colour, attractive stems and purple and red fruit create burning bush (Euonymus alatus) difficult to leave behind at a move. Luckily, this shrub transplants readily. Hardy at U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 9,…

How to Boost Mexican Miniature Watermelon

How to Boost Mexican Miniature Watermelon

The Mexican miniature watermelon (Melothria scabra) goes by many common names, including mouse melon and cucumelon. With their oval contour, green speckled skin and petite, 1- year to 2-inch span, their fruit appear to be miniature watermelons, hence their common…

What Orange Tree Needs Cross Pollination?

What Orange Tree Needs Cross Pollination?

Orange trees set fruit from sexual or asexual means. Anatomy of these blossoms of oranges reveals both male and female parts, making orange trees self-fertile and capable of putting fruit through the sexual activity of pollination and fertilization. Fruit set…

Trumpet Vines for Desert Gardening

Trumpet Vines for Desert Gardening

Mild-winter desert spaces pose an opportunity to grow trumpet vines which are less cold-hardy than some other varieties. A number of tropical and subtropical trumpet vines endure heat, and most will grow in a full-sun site, making the suitable for…

Do Boston Ferns Like to Be Crowded?

Do Boston Ferns Like to Be Crowded?

Boston fern is a cultivar of sword fern (Nephrolepis exaltata”Bostoniensis”), also has been a popular cultivated plant because its chance discovery in a nursery shipment in 1894. Crowded plants won’t continue to grow well, although valued for its arching fronds,…

Where Do Marshmallow Plants Grow?

Where Do Marshmallow Plants Grow?

The frequent marshmallow plant (Althaea officinalis) is a green perennial which grows big, bee-pollinated, white flowers from July to September, followed by seedpods that ripen from August to October. The plant is hardy in U.S. Agriculture Department hardiness zones 3…