How Often Can You Put Ortho Weed Killer on Your Lawn?

How Often Can You Put Ortho Weed Killer on Your Lawn?

Weeds are almost as inevitable as death and taxes. Weekend lawn warriors dedicate much time and sweat into seeding, feeding, watering and mowing their lawns only to discover they still need to fight weeds. Chemical weed killers are successful in cutting the weed population on well-tended properties. Ortho weed killer, fresh named Weed-B-Gon Weed Killer, is easy to use and could be put on the lawn more than once in a season.

Product Profile

Like many broad-spectrum, broadleaf weed killers, Ortho Weed-B-Gone Weed Killer contains a combination of chemicals that targets more than 225 broadleaf, or non-grassy, weeds. The impurities translocate in the leaves to the roots, killing the grass. Ortho’s formulation comprises Quinclorac, MCPP-p, 2,4-D, and Dicamba. The product is easy to get in concentrated form for dwelling dilution, in addition to ready-to-use spray bottles and larger, ready-to-use garden sprayers.

Application Method

Employ Ortho Weed-B-Gone Weed Killer while weeds are actively growing. Adhering to all label instructions, start in spring, before weeds go to seed. Apply when rain isn’t expected for at least an hour. When the poison translocates into the weeds’ origins, you are going to see plant damage. It might take a little while for some weeds to totally succumb. If any stubborn weeds survive, spray them again in two to three weeks. No more applications should be required until summer, when you’re able to make two more programs.


Ortho Weed-B-Gone Weed Killer will not kill crabgrass and other grassy weeds. In addition, it wo not prevent broadleaf weeds from germinating. Don’t spray perennial weeds in sunlight , either, as they are not actively growing. For crabgrass, utilize a granular pre-emergent crabgrass preventer in early spring, and a crabgrass killer or a broadleaf weed killer that has crabgrass killer in summertime. To prevent broadleaf weeds from germinating in early spring, you need granular, pre-emergent broadleaf weed killer.

An Ounce of Prevention…

Keep weeds at bay by growing thick, healthy turf. Timely fertilization, never in excess, promotes fast development and heavy coverage that chokes out weeds. Taller grass shades and cools bud seeds, reducing their germination speed. Mow the grass to about 3 inches and never remove more than one-third of this grass’ height. Should you use a mulching attachment and then leave the clippings on the lawn, they will also help shade bud seeds while supplying nitrogen. Fix bald patches right away with new seed — or even sod, if it’s summertime.

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