How Often Can You Put Ortho Weed Killer on Your Lawn?
Weeds are almost as inevitable as death and taxes. Weekend lawn warriors dedicate much time and sweat into seeding, feeding, watering and mowing their lawns only to discover they still need to fight weeds. Chemical weed killers are successful in…

A Bush With Purple Flowers & Skinny Green Leaves
Varying hues of green foliage and vibrant purple flowers create a dramatic contrast in the backyard. Skinny leaves, also known as lanceolate or even lance-shaped, lend a delicate appearance to trees, while the many hues of purple, which range from…

Are Blueberries Compatible With Black Walnut Trees?
The black walnut (Juglans nigra) grows to a height of 50 feet or more, with a 60-foot spread. Prized for its nuts and powerful dark brown timber, the tree grows best in U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zones 4 through…

How to Plant Tomatoes Close a Walnut Tree
Walnuts and butternuts produce a compound called juglone that’s toxic to many other plants. Tomatoes and other members of the nightshade family are especially susceptible. They could wilt suddenly when in contact with juglone from the roots, husks or uncomposted…

Facts About Grape Vines
Grapes are deciduous vines which include European and American varieties. Both varieties require certain growing conditions to produce healthy plants. For the best results, pick the number that suits your growing area, giving it proper care, support and pruning. Understanding…

The way to Prune Cleome
Cleome (Cleome spp.) , sometimes called spider flower, produces delicate but massive blooms atop tall stalks, resembling a firework in mid-burst. The annual blossom grows and a summertime plant in all climates and thrives in sunny beds and moist soil….

The way to Pick Persimmons
Attempt this persimmon multiple-choice test to hone your harvesting skills: The persimmon fruit is best eaten … a) delicate, b) hard, c) crisp or d) gooey. In fact, all the adjectives implement. The oriental persimmon tree (Diospyros kaki) comes in…

How to Garden With Sand in your lawn
Like many want-to-be gardeners, you can find that your soil is less than perfect for growing plants. If your lawn appears filled with sand — it falls apart smoothly even when it is wet — afterward home gardening may seem…

When Are Gerber Daisies in Season?
The gerbera daisy (Gerbera jamesonii) is a tender perennial which cannot overwinter in colder climates. Offered in a variety of colours, this sunny flower brightens up a room when used indoors and lightens a container or bed when planted in…

How Long Does It Take for Flowers to Form on Watermelon Plants?
Watermelons (Citrullus spp. And cultivars) belong to the cucurbit family of vegetables that contains vining garden plants such as cucumbers, pumpkins and squash. They demand a long warm season to flower and fruit, ideally 80 to 90 days with temperatures…