Spring & Summer Window Box Gardening Recipes
Dress up your windows in summer and spring with window boxes filled with flowers and plants. Window boxes brighten up the interior of your home in addition to the outside. Turn some well-chosen plants in your favorite colors to your miniature garden that’s as close as your window.
Rock Garden Box
You can create a little, alpine landscape in your window box by designing your lawn about two big rocks. Saxifrage (Saxifrage spp.) And trailing phlox (Phlox adsurgens) are good flowering plants for this box. The saxifrage is that the more upright of the 2 plants and looks best in the back of the box and also toward the center. Use two or three plants to produce the box look full. Trailing phlox drapes over the side of the box, so plant it near the front and on the sides. Plant chickens and chicks (Sempervivum tectorum) about one stone and stonecrop (Sedum spathulifolium) across the opposite. This box shows best from the outside when placed no greater than slightly above eye level. It flowers from mid spring until midsummer in mild climates and until early summer where summers are hot.
Yellow and Gold
Yellow petunias (Petunia spp) and gold African marigolds (Tagetes erecta) create a sunny screen in south-facing window poles. Choose African marigold varieties that grow 18-to-24 inches tall. Some types could reach a height of 4 feet. Both of these flowers need regular deadheading to keep the blooms coming. Lutea (Monopsis lutea), together with delicious gold blooms and fine-textured foliage, is a trailing plant that tumbles over the front part of the box and also softens the impact of the coarse-textured annuals. If you can not find this trailer, substitute white lobelia (lobelia spp.) .
Pink Palette
Pink flowers in a range of shades make a beautiful window box. Search for plants that are already booming so you can mix your colors and check the adult size of the cultivar to ascertain where they will best fit into your box. Ivy geraniums have attractive foliage and come in many shades of deep and medium pink. Diascia (Diascia barberae) has three-quarter-inch pink blossoms, sometimes with darker pink centers. The flowers bloom on stems that climb about 6 inches above the leaf. Verbena (Verbena X hybrid) produces horizontal comes with delicate blossoms and leaf which goes above the surfaces of the box. Horned violets (Viola cornuta) using deep purple flowers add thickness to the colour scheme. Use pink lobelia (lobelia spp.) As a finishing touch in the front part of the box.
Woodland Box
A woodland box thrives in shady locations. Plant three or four little ferns (various species) using various kinds of leaf around the box and tuck in flowering plants so that the box looks natural. Bluebells (Mertensia virginica) kind clumps of grassy foliage. The flowers grow on stalks that arise from the center of the plant. Anemone (Anemone blanda) rises significantly less than 6 inches tall with daisy-like blossoms. You can begin your own plants from lights or purchase potted plants. Lily-of-the-valley sends up stalks of intensely fragrant, white blooms from between thick, wide leaves that contrast with the other leaf from the box. The flowering plants within this box bloom in spring. You’ll have to keep the soil moist at all times.