How to Attain a Wooden Door Using a Metal Door
Replacing a wooden door with a metallic door can enhance the safety of your home, increase weather resistance, and cut heating and cooling costs by making your home more energy efficient. It’s also among the best investments you can make at your home in terms of recouping costs according to U.S. News and World Report. While this project might appear easy, it requires careful planning and preparation to make sure your new door will fit your existing frame.
Open the doorway and then unscrew the hinges to remove the door from the frame. Remove the hinges from the door and then place them aside for reuse.
Assess the length and width of the hardwood door. When purchasing your new metallic door, select a door using these exact dimensions to guarantee the door will fit your existing frame.
Use a tape measure to confirm the depth of the doorway. Your new door needs to match this measurement so as to function properly within the framework.
Check the present hinges. Assess the length and width of the hinge leaves, in addition to their depth. Pay attention to the shape of the hinges. When many hinges are rectangular, some have rounded corners.
Measure down from the surface of the door into the top edge of each hinge location. Notice these dimensions, in addition to the total amount of hinges, when purchasing your metal door.
Analyze the lock edge of the doorway. Measure down from the surface of the door into the centerline of the lock (in which the latch or bolt extends out of the side of the door handle or knob).
Buy your new metallic door. If you can’t locate a stock door which matches the dimensions of the old wooden door, with the exact hinge and lock locations, you need to order a custom-built metallic door.
Install the hinges on your new doorway by screwing them in the holes generally already drilled at the edge of the doorway. In case your doorway came undrilled, you’ll want to drill pilot holes prior to installing the hinges. Put in the lockset by inserting it in the cutout in your doorway and screwing it in place.
Have a friend hold the door in place while you screw it in the frame. Test the door to make sure it latches and swings properly.